The Descent

Annabelle Eaton

Into the mirror, she falls

The black sky pushed her under

Where there are no stars 

Her eyes lie open, stinging with salt 

and her white dress billows around her frozen figure 

She slips under

and her dark hair and her arms rise above her

She is no longer visible afloat the pounding water

She does not fight, so she descends under 

It is quiet underneath the pool of wind that breathes life into still waters 

The fabric of the black ocean snatches her 

Forces her to go further 

Her eyes are closed now

and her mind births light, illuminating her descent in greyscale 

Producing shadows that move to capture her

As the froth of the starry ocean twists

The rip of the surf pummels her downward 

and the pressure of an ocean crumbles her bones

now in cold death she sinks further and transcends the physical limits

She is not yet reborn, but she is not still alive

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