Introduction to Setbacks
Two steps forward, one step back. This quarter’s theme for Tabula Rasa, Pinewood’s award-winning literary arts magazine, is “Setback,” and we would love to hear about what that means to you.
In these unparalleled times, it seems as though the whole world has taken far too many steps back.
Tell us about the obstacles you have faced in your life, and how you overcame them. What is a challenge that you have encountered? Has it taught you anything about yourself? About others? How have you changed as a result of this setback, and how have you healed or begun to heal in the aftermath? After all, healing is not linear.
Please submit your writing and art to by November 8th.
We look forward to your submissions!
The Tabula Rasa Team
Anika, Emily, Kathleen, Makena, Prithi, and Sophia